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Prices and opening hours

(from 10:30 in the morning. to 00:00 midnight)*
(from 10:30 in the morning. to 17.00 in the afternoon)**
(from 19:00 h in the evening to 00:00 h in the morning)*
"All prices include VAT."
*Timetable can be extended until 02:00 h for 90 €/h.
**Timetable can be extended by prior arrangement, before making your booking .
Deposit: 700 € to be paid at the time of entry.
Special dates: Christmas, New Year's Eve, New Year, Epiphany/Three Kings, San Juan... contact us for rates.
For wedding, christening and communion bookings, a full day's hire of the premises is required.

Do you need to hire a chef for your private group dinner?

At Baccum you have the option of renting just the function room or you can also make use of our full kitchen. If you wish, we can help you find a chef to suit your tastes and needs and of course, you can bring your own team of cooks.